Friday, March 6, 2009

Few Ideas for Writing Great Blogs

This one is from blog of Ivan Misner!

1. Write a “how to” blog (much like this one). Share your best tips about how to do something you know all about.

2. Lists. For some reason, people absolutely love to read lists. Think of a topic relevant to your field of expertise (”The Top Five Faux Pas of Networking,” for example) and start listing.

3. The Straw Man argument. Set up a premise and then argue against it. This always makes for interesting reading, and you get plenty of blog comments if you choose a controversial subject.

4. Case studies. Discussing case studies from your professional work and the lessons you’ve learned from them makes for a great blog. Just watch the word length. Ideally, blog posts shouldn’t be much more than 500 words, so split the case study over two posts if you need to.

5. Interviews. Have you interviewed anyone knowledgeable or well-known recently? What did they say? Write about it.

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