Monday, June 9, 2008

Mid-Career Dilemma!

Hi Friends,

I am starting a new series of posts to bring up issues related to mid-career dilemma. I will be publishing several opinions and suggestions from mentors/professionals about dilemma most people face in mid of their career. I request you all to post your comments and opinion. To start with I would like to share one of the articles I read few months ago. This article was about professionals not able to make career decision in the mid of their career. There is this simple six-question technique recommended for anyone who is experiencing a career problem. By answering these six questions (at your own pace), you’ll be able to “clarify what’s eating at you, how you want things to be different, what you need to do and whether you’re willing to do it.”

The questions are:

  • What is your problem?
  • Why is that a problem? What troubles you about that?
  • How do you want this situation to be? If this problem were solved, what would the situation be like? How would you feel?
  • What’s stopping you from making that happen?
  • What do you need to do to make that happen? What needs to change? What do you need to ask of others? What do you need to change inside yourself?
  • Now that you know what needs to be done, what are you going to do?

I think these questions are useful in that they allow you to step back and look at your problem somewhat objectively.

Give it a shot and I wish it works for you.

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